In 1999, after experiencing unusual bleeding and pelvic pain, I was diagnosed with a gynecological (GYN) cancer called endometrial carcinoma. One month after my surgery, I joined the GYN Cancer Support Group sponsored by Woman’s Hospital. Through this support group I have met many beautiful women who have been diagnosed with various forms of “female” or GYN cancers. There has been one cancer in particular which has taken the lives of several of these women- Ovarian Cancer- because it was already so advanced when they were diagnosed. It really breaks my heart when these friends are overcome by ovarian cancer- especially when they are young. Many of them have done everything their strength would allow to tell others about Ovarian Cancer. I am happy to be a part of Geaux Teal’s efforts to promote education and awareness of Ovarian Cancer so that women can be diagnosed early and have a much better chance to overcome this nasty disease!