Mission Statement:
To raise awareness for women of all ages about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer
Vision Statement:
The continual increase in education and overall awareness of ovarian cancer is the primary founding principle of Geaux Teal. Through this emphasis on educational and awareness objectives we hope to accomplish an early detection screening test, further understandings of the prognosis of ovarian cancer, improve doctor/patient relationships and shared knowledge as well as increased medical education. Ultimately, one day we will equate longer survivorship with women’s understanding of ovarian cancer and its dangers.
Geaux Teal will promote community-based events that raise awareness and increase education and research funds for ovarian cancer.
Click here to request Geaux Teal symptom cards.
Geaux Teal Wellness Program through Woman's Center for Wellness
Through the assistance of a grant provided by Geaux Teal, Woman’s Wellness is able to offer a low cost program for Ovarian Cancer survivors.
The program is customized to each individual with component of nutrition, fitness and therapeutic group exercise classes.
Survivors will work with a team from Woman’s that consists of registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, physical therapy assistants and wellness coaches.
Who Qualifies?
Participants must have an Ovarian Cancer diagnosis
Patients must be medically stable
Physician approval required/referral
Woman's Center for Wellness Contact:
9637 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA
Main Number:225-924-8300
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Geaux Teal Financial Grant
through Cancer Services
Ovarian Cancer survivors currently in treatment are supported by funds from this grant.
Additional Information:
$500 grant given to Ovarian Cancer survivor
Survivor may be referred for this grant by medical oncologists, social workers or other medical professionals in the community.
Self-referral are accepted, but an ovarian
cancer diagnosis must be confirmed by a medical professional.
Cancer Services Contact Information:
Geaux Teal Grant Aid Application
Please click here to download the Geaux Teal Grant Aid Application.
All applications must be mailed to the Geaux Teal Grant Committee at the following address.
PO BOX 82778